Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

ELECTRICIANXCHANGE PTY LTD, ABN 90 623 004 795  (‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’) owns and operates electricianXchange and the website www.electricianXchange.com.

These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the www.electricianXchange.com Online Platform Service ("the Service").

Please read this Agreement carefully. Your use of the Service will constitute your agreement to comply with these rules.


Calls recorded for quality assurance & training purposes: Please note that all calls made or received by the electricianXchange team will be recorded for quality assurance / training purposes. If you do not want the call to be recorded, please let us know at the start of each discussion.


Service: Our overriding objective is to allow a free, open, current, transparent labour market place for pre-dominantly the electrican trade (but other electrical workers also can use this as necessary) with electricianXchange as the introductory mechanism through which the two stakeholders, employer & jobseeker (permanent, sub-contract or casual) come together directly negotiating directly on dates, rates, conditions.

In the interests of maintaining an active Service, should a jobseeker or an employer not respond within a reasonable time, to a reach out by either party to the other, electricianXchange reserves the right to cancel the approach on your behalf replying on your behalf  - this being in the interests of having an active current market place for talent.

Its a free service to search, communicate, align and pre-qualify via the chats - but no contact details such as name, contact number, email address, web site addresses are allowed in the chats. Its free for the employer too, with the employer getting the jobseeker's contact details after initial chats (to determine alignment).

If contact details are sent withint the chats (which we monitor daily) electricianXchange can choose to unsubscribe the employer / jobseeker who does that, for not strictly following the terms and conditions upon which this service is being provided.



The platform provides a range of services, which requires log on access.


Individual Subscriber

A person (who could be an A-Grade Electrician, an Electrical Apprentice or a person with an Electrical background) may register as an individual subscriber on the site & create their work availability profile, for the purposes of finding work whether the work needed is of a permanent, sub-contract or casual capacity. Upon registration, you will have a secure log on access including a password nominated by you.


Employer Subscriber

This will be a registered Electrical Contracting Company (REC) or a company capable of hiring A Grade Electricians / Electrical Apprentices / Electrical Workers. Employer Subscribers (herein called "employer") will require an employer account. A log on as an employer, will allow the employer to search for jobseekers whether these are on a permanent, sub-contract or casual capacity through the "Want Staff" option on the site. 



“Subscriber” means all registered members of the Website, including members registered as an “employer”, "jobseeker", “corporation”, “body” (whether a body corporate or an unincorporated and includes for example an association), “partnership”, “joint venture”, “natural person”, “supplier” and electricianXchange itself as a party liaising with all of these stakeholders.

“Website” means this Website (www.electricianXchange.com) or any part of it.


Use of the Service by You

Individual: Your right to use the Service as an individual is personal to you. You may not authorise others to use the Service and you are responsible for your own use of the Service and for preventing unauthorised use by other persons except when it is the Administrator of the web site who has the deemed responsibility to liaise on your behalf if your account is not attended to within a reasonable time frame.

Employer: The employer's selected personnel who register on behalf of the company are responsible for their use of the Service and for preventing unauthorised use by other persons except when it is the Administrator of the web site who has the deemed responsibility to liaise on your behalf if your account is not attended to within a reasonable time frame.. Companies must ensure that user profiles are maintained and kept current.

For both Individual and Employer Subscribers: electricianXchange Pty Ltd owns all copyright and all other intellectual property rights on this site www.electricianXchange.com except information that is specifically provided and directly posted by the individual / employer. electricianXchange welcomes your use of this site provided that you respect all copyright, trademark and other propriety notices contained in the content. We advise that you may not copy or display for redistribution to third parties or for commercial purposes any portion of this site without express permission, unless that information has been specifically provided and directly posted by you as an individual or by you on behalf your Company.

All other information and material you supply or communicate to the Service is governed by these terms & conditions and in addition by our Privacy Policy, which forms a part of this Agreement.

Jobseeker: Jobseeker means an electrician, electrical apprentice or electrical worker looking for work, whether as an individual or as an employee of a company looking to be sub-contracted out.


Labour Hire Licensing Legislation

In Victoria and in some other States such as Queensland within Australia there is a Labour Licensing legislation introduced which lays specific conditions under which staff / labour can be sub-contracted out. 

Each employer must takes its own advice as to whether this legislation applies to them.

electricianXchange takes no responsibility in relation to this, given it is merely the introduction platform through which a willing employer and a willing jobseeker come together for the purposes of working together.



We derive our information from individuals or employers who register on our site.

While we will take all care; responsibility rests with the individuals or the employer registering and posting the information at all times. This includes information about the work availability posts made on the website, the replies made back and forth between the employer and the jobseeker plus all other information entered into the website by either the jobseeker or the employer. electricianXchange is acting merely as the introduction platform through which these two stakeholders, the employer and the jobseeker come together, with the specific terms and conditions of hire determined seperately and independantly between the employer and the jobseeker after the introduction by electricianXchange has been made.

In using the web site, you warrant that the content, material or information that you post or upload to the website will not be fraudulent, defamatory and will not infringe the intellectual property rights, confidentiality rights, or privacy rights of any person or any applicable law.

Where the content, material or information on this website or any linked website contains opinions or judgments of third parties, we do not purport to endorse the contents of that opinion or advice, nor the accuracy or reliability of that opinion or advice.


Termination of Access

Access to this Website to either the employer or the jobseeker may be terminated at any time by us without notice if the terms & conditions or the philosophy this site has been put together for, is not followed.



electricianXchange has a strong privacy policy relating to all information that you provide through this web site and we will take all reasonable steps to prevent any data being inappropriately released or misused. Please see our Privacy Policy listed separately and which forms a part of these terms and conditions.


Changes to Terms and Conditions

We may change these terms and conditions at any time. Each time you use the Service you are agreeing to the terms and conditions applicable at that time. We provide a link to these Terms and Conditions at the bottom of every page of the website. You agree to the terms and conditions as applicable at any time.



The laws of Australia apply to these Terms and Conditions. Any dispute with electricianXchange arising in relation to these Terms and Conditions will be resolved in accordance with Australian law with the jurisdiction of New South Wales prevailing.


Fraudulent Activity

From time to time, despite our best intentions and processes, illegitimate claims of being a qualified electrician, apprentice or REC / Employer may be entered by either of these parties. While electricianXchange will do everything it can, to provide a platform which allows work related connectivity between employer & jobseeker, it cannot totally eliminate the possibility that despite the best intent, will not happen. 

electricianXchange will endeavour to ensure that all information is accurate. However, we cannot completely eliminate this risk.

It is your responsibility to undertake your own reference & other checks formulating a written, defined labour / employment agreement between both parties - employer & jobseeker.


Fees charged by electricianXchange

There are presently no fees for using electricianXchange. So no fee for the employer and no fee for the jobseeker.


Contact Details

If you have any queries regarding the Service provided, contact us at info@electricianxchange.com or call us on 1300 353 364




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