Please note when you register :

  • All fields in the registration process are mandatory.
  • You will need to provide a six character User Name which will be your identifier. This is to preserve your privacy and prevent you being inundated with irrelevant applicants who typically flood employers with emails / calls when names are made public.

Employer Registration

Include here a User Name you'd like to be publicy known as. This should not be more than 6 characters long. This is done to preserve your privacy as a jobseeker till things get confirmed between you and a prospective new employer. Any obscene names will be rejected. If you have any questions, call 1300 353 364 or email
Password must be more than 5 characters with at least one number, one lowercase letter and one uppercase letter
Please add your mobile number without any spaces. This must be Australian mobile number. If you do not enter an Australian mobile number, you will not be able to access the ElectricianXchange platform.


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